Friday, November 12, 2010

Megan's Trip to Ireland, Part 1

Caroline, one of my best friends from college, and I spent 6 days in Dublin. After debating between all of Ryanair's cheap destinations we settled on a the place where people spoke English. I can't tell you how nice it was to be perfectly understood at all times. That said, I didn't always understand what was being said to me. After some confusion in a pub one night, a jolly middle-aged Irish man said to me "Listen faster lass."

Below are pictures from our day trip through the Mountains and to Kilkenny, a small village south of Dublin. The hostel we stayed in gave you a free day trip if you stayed for two nights. Well worth it. The countryside was incredible, even if the weather was awful. 
The tower in the background is part of the monastery founded by St. Keven in the 500's. St. Keven is famous for throwing a beautiful, naked virgin off a cliff. He believed that she was the devil tempting him.
This is the top of a burial chamber which predates the pyramids!

Kilkenny Castle
Kilkenny Castle was originally built by Strong-Bow, the infamous Norman Invader of Ireland, in the 12th century. Strong-Bow's real name is Richard de Clare, which just sounds so much less intimidating than his English name. His ancestors, the Butlers, lived there until the 1930's. Today they've renovated the inside to look how it did in the 1800's. Unfortunately, you weren't allowed to take pictures inside.

A drawing of Kilkenny from the 1800's, borrowed from wikipedia

To come: Pictures and Stories from Dublin

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