I'm back after two wonderful weeks in Richmond. I must admit that Laon has lost some of it's charm. It's less beautiful covered in brown, melting snow, and the students are less energetic. I've been warned by experienced teachers that the next 6 weeks are the hardest time to teach. "The kids are bored and tired." Additionally, speaking French has gotten harder. It's not exactly that I've forgotten the French I learned, although that is the simple way of explaining it. Instead, I've relaxed. Before leaving I was in the habit of translating all of my thoughts into French, even when I was alone. It was good practice and helped to keep that part of my mind alert. Around 5 days after returning to the states I stopped doing that. Now, French is harder. It feels as if a part of my brain has turned off. What's more, my attention span is shorter. After focusing on listening to a French conversation for about 10 minutes I zone out; before break it had been more like half an hour. Then, of course, there's jet-lag. I've been ploughing through books because I can't fall asleep.
In spite of all the small downers, it's been great to see all of the other assistants again. It's incredible how much they can make this sleepy, little town feel like a home.