Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favorite French Moment of the Week, #1

While teaching my youngest students colors, one of the bounced up excitedly and started saying something to me about Chinese people. After an embarrassingly long time I realized he was asking me if I knew how to write like a Chinese person. Confused, I said no, and then showed him how I write. At which point all of the kids jumped up and started laughing and saying "That's how a Chinese person writes!" French kids are only taught to write in cursive. When copying phrases from the board my older students take forever, trying unsuccessfully to mimic my script. Evidently it's gotten around the school that I write like a weirdo, and the 5 year olds decided that meant I knew how to write Chinese. I should have lied to them.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lesson on Stereotypes

So I taught a lesson on symbols vs stereotypes the other week...to my seconde level class...15ish years old... It involved a 5 miinute drawing or sketch...and describing, comparing, contrasting, and discussing...and well... I present you: what they think of you...

...and a few of my favorite french ones as well..although you can see they were much more interested in drawing and discussing americans...

love always,