Thursday, February 3, 2011

Misc. Bits of January

Getting ready to leave for Mini- Skirt Night hosted by the local Uni

11th Century Abbey Ruins & the lovely French/ Bulgarian family who took us

Basquiat exhibit in Paris: Basquiat (wikipedia)
Brie and I's weekend in Paris....

The 2 hour line we had to stand in to see the exhibit

Day trip to Rheims- Drinking Irish beer in the capitol of the Champagne region

Kate cut my hair. It looked good in the end.

Maria, Xiomara, and Kate had their first peanut, butter & jelly's, albeit on a baguette. Maria is skeptical.

Yes!... She changed her mind.

Before the weather got awful I used a lot of my free to go for walks.

I've been trying to sketch a little again...
Now that its gotten freezing,

That, and we've been becoming connoisseurs of all 2 euro wines.

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